Thursday, May 10, 2012

Stick-Fu review

Hey guys today I will be reviewing Stick-Fu, made by Clickgamer Tech.. This is a stick figure old fashioned beat em up style game. You go through endless levels of enemies and then a boss. You have special attacks which you must use wisely and also your basic attacks. This reminds me of playing a game for the NES like Double Dragon and countless other side scrolling beat em ups. This game costs .99, and I think it is worth every penny. I would give a 9/10.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Crackle review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing Crackle, made by Crackle Inc.. This app is used so that on the go you can watch your favorite movies and TV shows. There is a decent size of movies but they are not the newest and greatest so don't come into it expecting that. This app is free, so why don't you just try it. I would give it a 7/10 because it needs a bigger library.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Logos Quiz Game review

Hey guys sorry about yesterday again not feeling great. But today I bring you a very fun game called Logos Quiz Game, made by AticoD. This is a game in which you are given the task of guessing logos from all different industries from all different countries. This makes for loads of fun, you also get hints that are numbered so you must use them wisely. This is a very relaxing and fun game, I give it a 8/10.

Friday, May 4, 2012

NBA Jam review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing NBA Jam by EA. This is a remake of an old title and in recent years had made a come back. This is just a crazy basketball game where you can jump super high, do crazy dunks, make incredible shots, and light on fire after great hot streaks. You can play as modern teams but also after playing great games you can unlock NBA greats, mascots, and presidential canidates. This game costs only .99 which is awesome for what you are getting. I would give this game a 10/10.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

StickBo review

Hey guys, sorry about yesterday I got really sick so I was unable to post. But today I will be reviewing StickBo by John and Eric. This is a side scrolling shooter, so are a Rambo like character but they call you stick because you are a stick figure. You are running through VC covered rice paddies and villages lighting the scene up with your M16. This is a good game to pass the time. It is free but you can also buy the $1.99 verizon, but Iwould stay away from that one. There is nothing special here but a small action paced mindless side scoller. I would give it a 6/10.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Flower Warfare review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing Flower Warfare by Thruster. This was made by a Youtuber named Freddie Wong, who makes really cool movie like clips, where he uses crazy special effects. This based on one of his clips. You are put in the role of Freddie running across a suburban area, jumping over walls, and shooting enemies with an M16. This is nothing special, but if you are a fanboy of him I would get it to help him make some more great videos. I would give this game a 7/10, it costs .99.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Minigore review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing Minigore. It is made by Chillingo, which makes some other good apps. This is a action packed shooter, in which your have a bird's eye view and run around shooting pig like creatures. You can pick up weapons like grenade launchers and also when you kill enemies you get clovers which eventually make you turn into one of the creatures for a couple of seconds. You can buy new characters after a certain amount of kills. This game gets a 8/10 because it is the samething over and over again, but for the low price of .99 I would get it.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hockey Nations: Shoot-out

Hey guys today I will be reviewing Hockey Nations: Shoot-out. This is made by Distinctive Developments Ltd. This is a hockey shoot-out game, what great timing with the Stantley Cup underway. This is a very basic game, where you pick your country and compete in tournaments and
on-line play. This is a great little game to play while you are waiting for something or just want to play something on short notice. I would rate this game a 8/10 because the graphics are not up to par with newer games but it is free, so get it.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trenches 1 & 2 review

Hey guy today we will have a 2 for 1 special because I missed yesterday. I will be reviewing Trenches and Trenches 2. These are made by Thunder Works Games and EA. This is a WW1 based stratgey game, you are in control of the Germans or the Brits and now in the second you can be the French. This adds a long needed new taste to the game. The point of the game is to gain control of key trenches along the map and then attack the eniemes headquaters. You have a variety of different troops to send at the enemy like riflemen, tanks,calvary,engineers, and much more. You can also play against hordes of zombies and multiplayer. You can play either of the two  mentioned above or campaign and skirmish. These are some of the best RTS games on the market. These range from 1.99 which is not too bad for what you are getting. I would give them a 9/10.

Monday, April 23, 2012

The Settlers review

Hey guys today I will be reviewing The Settlers. This game is made by Gameloft, which makes good games right, so you think this one would be right...... false this is one of the worst games ever. This game is a Age of Empires clone, which means the objective of the game is the collect resources and build a big army but unlike Civ. this is real time. The game has the best idea of what gamers are looking for but so poorly executed. I had been waiting along time for a RTS and was excited when it first came out but boy was I wrong. The game has no free play and in the campaign you have no room to do what you want. The computer guides you through everything. This game costs a whopping 4.99 and I would give it a 4/10 so stay away unitl a big update.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Red Rover - The War to End All Wars review

Hey guys today I will be reviewing Red Rover - The War to End All Wars, by Mantid Interactive LLC. This is a Ipad two player game, two player meaning one player takes up one half of the screen and so on. This game is a WW1 based real time strategy, you are command of either the Brits or the Germans. You will be trying to protect your edge of the battlefield while trying to attack the other player's. Each player has two supply depots, which fuel you money to buy troops. You can buy trenchs, barbed wire, tanks, planes, infantry, artillery, and tank traps. The game is an over head view and you drag and drop your troops in the selected square. The battlefield is broken up into parts, separted by rows of squares. The objective is to elimate your friends depot and reach his "table side." Most of the game is reacting to what he throwa at you like, he sends a tank on my flank I respond with a tank of my own with infantry to support. The game is fun and can be right down to my troops being seconds ahead of yours. This game only has like a skimirsh mode, no campaign and no new factions or troops. So the game comes at 3.99, which is pricy but if you play a lot is worth it and like strategy games. I would give this game a 8/10 because no new units or factors have been added.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Great Little Wargame review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing Great Little Wargame. This is made by Rubicon Mobile, this is a turn- based strategy game. It is trying to simulate table top wargaming, which you play with miniatures and rules and what not. This is is very addictive, there are many action packed levels with nail biting endings. I love the fell of a lone sniper holding a flank just mowing down enemy rifleman. This game has many different unit from tanks to grunts. All units have their time and purpose. This game costs 2.99 which is not bad for what you are getting. I know I have really only been reviewing strategy games but they are my favorite app to play. If you are looking to throw hours in the addictive gameplay or are just a wargamer yourself I would get this game. I give it a 10/10.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Steam Mobile review

Hey guys today I will be reviewing an app called Steam Mobile. This app was made by Valve, they are a game producing company. Now many of you might know what it is, some dont so here is what it is. Steam is like the App Store for online gaming. You make an account and then add friends, get games, and much more. I have a Steam account and have a couple of games like Fall of the Samuari and Team Fortress 2. These are great games and also you can get demos and even some for free. This app just lets you do all that except for playing the games. You can check the store, messages, and what friends you have on. So this app is helpful for gamers and recommend it to all who have a steam and for those you dont, GET ONE NOW. I give this app a 10/10/

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Civilization Revolution review

Hey guys, today we will be reviewing one of my favorite apps. It is Civilization Revolution, by Firaxis Games. Based on the very popular Sid Meier franchise and one of my favorite turn based strategy games. This is a game about starting as one civilization out of 16 to chose from. Each one has it's own famous world leader to lead your civ. Each has their own different bonuses to help improve your civ. One of the few cons of the game is that is not that welcoming to new player, who have not played another civ games. I have got a couple people to try to play just without guidance and they had no clue on what anything was. But I give em credit the helpers which help make decisions throughout the game help a lot and do help you learn how to play. Also the graphics are not up to par with games like Infinity Blade or anything like that. Bu the games has so much replay ability, with the multiple scenarios and different nations to play as. It is very pricy for an app, $6.99. So you must know that you are going to play this a lot. I picked it up on spring sale for $1.99 so keep an eye out for those sales. Also you can pick it up as a gift app on free my apps. I give this app a 10/10 and you all should buy it if you are serious strategy gamers.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Free My Apps review

Hey guys, now I know I said I would only be reviewing apps but this is app related. So your probably wondering what the it is, it is called Free My Apps. This is a website were you download apps that are trying to be premoted by their owners. So that catch is that these companies said that when people download their sponsored apps they get credits to use to buy new popular paid apps. And it works, it is not like 100 coins are equal to .10 cents but 100 coins equal roughly a dollar or so. I have about 1260 coins and have already bought Infinity Blade, which is great. The gift apps are not just bad games that no one wants but big name games like Angry Birds and Words With Friends and many more. I cant stress it enough how much I want you all to use this website. What I do is I just download the sponsor apps and after being creited I just remove the apps. Suprisingly enough I have found some of the games fun and I would have never played before using the website. If you guys have any other websites like this comment down bellow or comment telling me your experience on the site. Also if there are any apps you would like me to review comment too. Thanks for reading, Down bellow is the link.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

SteamBirds Review

Hey guys, today I will be reviewing my first app. It is SteamBirds,  created Semi Secret Software. This is a turn based strategy game. It is based during World War 1, you are either incommand of one or multiple "Birds" or planes.You direct the way your birds move and try to get them line of sight to blast the enemies out of the sky. There are a selection of different weapons which cause all havoc in the air. You will come across all different kinds of aircraft like Zeppelins and many others, this really made the game interesting. Each one of your birds have power-ups, like shields or extra movement, which you must use at perfect timings. This gives the game the intense gameplay, which make it fun. You have a selection of 31 action packed levels in campaign but there is no other kind of gameplay, which is ok with me. This game costs $1.99 on the Apple Store and boy is it worth it. The game is difficult but definitely beatable. The only negative thing is that it does not have that much replay ability. This is one of my most favorite stategy games in the Apple Store, I give it a 9/10.

My Intro

Hey guys, this blog will be about apps. I will be reviewing games and apps, ranging from Ipads, Iphones, and Ipods. I will be reviewing games and also apps you may use daily. I will not be reviewing big titles like Angry Birds but more of apps that are great but not too popular. Hope you enjoy, email me if you ever have questions or recommendations. ( They could be positive or negative it won't hurt to hear what I could do better.)