Friday, April 20, 2012

Red Rover - The War to End All Wars review

Hey guys today I will be reviewing Red Rover - The War to End All Wars, by Mantid Interactive LLC. This is a Ipad two player game, two player meaning one player takes up one half of the screen and so on. This game is a WW1 based real time strategy, you are command of either the Brits or the Germans. You will be trying to protect your edge of the battlefield while trying to attack the other player's. Each player has two supply depots, which fuel you money to buy troops. You can buy trenchs, barbed wire, tanks, planes, infantry, artillery, and tank traps. The game is an over head view and you drag and drop your troops in the selected square. The battlefield is broken up into parts, separted by rows of squares. The objective is to elimate your friends depot and reach his "table side." Most of the game is reacting to what he throwa at you like, he sends a tank on my flank I respond with a tank of my own with infantry to support. The game is fun and can be right down to my troops being seconds ahead of yours. This game only has like a skimirsh mode, no campaign and no new factions or troops. So the game comes at 3.99, which is pricy but if you play a lot is worth it and like strategy games. I would give this game a 8/10 because no new units or factors have been added.

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