Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Trenches 1 & 2 review

Hey guy today we will have a 2 for 1 special because I missed yesterday. I will be reviewing Trenches and Trenches 2. These are made by Thunder Works Games and EA. This is a WW1 based stratgey game, you are in control of the Germans or the Brits and now in the second you can be the French. This adds a long needed new taste to the game. The point of the game is to gain control of key trenches along the map and then attack the eniemes headquaters. You have a variety of different troops to send at the enemy like riflemen, tanks,calvary,engineers, and much more. You can also play against hordes of zombies and multiplayer. You can play either of the two  mentioned above or campaign and skirmish. These are some of the best RTS games on the market. These range from 1.99 which is not too bad for what you are getting. I would give them a 9/10.

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